09 September 2009
Hey yo! Finally I got all my results by yesterday.
Figure Studies:A-
Computer Graphic:B+
Malaysian Studies:A-
History of Art and Design:A-
English Language & Communication Skills: B-
Finished Art: A
5As(including A-). Not so bad I guess?
Move on to my first day of Semester 2.
First classmate I met-Chris.
First class, my favourite subject-DESIGN 2.
First lecturer that I met- Reis(Super charming lecturer).
First thing I wrote when I got my pencil-Lecturers' names.Reis & I-Ching.
First impression of Design 2-OMG!
First assignment-150words-long-essay+pictures on Decorative Art vs Form Follows Function. @_@
First dessert in Semester 2- Honeymoon's mango dessert
First lunch in Semester 2- Pizzas in Pizza Hut
First "guai lou" lecturer-Gabriel (Eh.. Why is he so handsome? Attracting and distracting the girls~
The statements above are a bit of my laziness to talk much about yesterday. Wahaha~ Anyway, it was a great starting even though I start to feel the pressure in the atmosphere. The starting is always quite a surprise, isn't it? Uhm.. I believe I can cope with all these pressure as time passes by. Go with the flow babe~
Labels: random thoughts, The One Academy
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