08 November 2008

Today, I went to taekwondo training.

I did something so "memalu-fying".

We trained in the bengkel lama today. After the training, we have to gather with other students in another block. But, no one helped Mr Yap (our sir) to take the targets (a spongy thing for us to kick) back.

Incident 1:
Deb scolded us. This is what she said, "Who is the one using target? You all or Mr Yap? Mr Yap wanna use that 20 targets to stuff them inside his mouth izit??" And guess what. I laughed... when no one is laughing. WT!

Incident 2:
Mrs Leong(the head instructor) came and asked what was going on. Deb told Mrs Leong about the incident. Mrs Leong scolded us. This is what she said, " You all want a special day to train you all how to carry the targets back?" And.... I LAUGHED AGAIN! wth! Fine fine.. I kept holding my laughter.

Incident 3:
It was time to bow. xxx bowed with the hands hanging down. Mrs Leong went and imitate her! LMAO! I laughed once more!

God, please save me! So memalukan! What on earth so funny la!! I don't even know what makes me laugh like orang gila man!


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