25 May 2008
Teehee...After my art class in the morning, my parents brought me for shopping in Klang Parade. I did not expect anything actually but my mom was in super good mood today. She bought lots of stuff for me! Lol.. She bought me this jacket too!! I freaking love it. Hm.. She was supposed to buy something else for herself, yet.... she ended spending all her money on me. Awh... I felt so guilty!! SORRY MOMMY!!! Tomorrow is hers and my sai lou,Guan Tat's birthday!! Yay! Finally I managed to buy something for GT. Hopefully he will like it!!
In the afternoon, I went for badminton with my sis, Royce and my sis' bf(Danny). As expected, my skill SUX! C'mmon! I had not been playing badminton for years! YEARS!!! *count fingers* Around 3 to 4 years?? Or maybe more than that.. LOL! Playing badminton is seriously good for perspiration. My sweat wet my shirt thoroughly. Thank god I brought extra T-shirt. In the coming game, I would most probably bring all my stuff to take my bath there. I hate myself to be in stinky condition. Ok.. After the game, we went to Jusco. HMMMMMM..... Royce and I should be awarded as The Best Light Bulbs! Haha.. And da,.... I have no idea what were my sister and her bf trying to do on Royce and I. So speechless.They obviously were trying to match Royce and I up. Erhm... *wordless*
Ops! It's time for show! GTG! Chaoz..
Labels: Jj~CrazyWorld
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