26 November 2009

One of the things that I treasure most in my life is my water colour palette.

It is dirty.

It is messy.

It never takes its bath, not even once.


I just love the way it is.

I heart water colour painting.. ♥ ♥ ♥



Mmm....可口可乐鸡肉~~酷毙了!! V[^-^]V



23 November 2009

21 November 2009





聊天时会kek kek地。因为,会紧张,会心跳加速。
这个才是我喜欢的"他"。 [^-^]


20 November 2009

This is an old topic. But I just feel like talking about it once again.

We are all grown-ups. There is no point waiting for people to spoon feed us anymore. No direct answers will be given for the questions. It's time for us to discover the answers ourselves. If you haven't done so, start now!!!

Once, there was a lecturer who told me this.

Never try to tell me "I don't know how" when you didn't even put effort in figuring out how.

Well, so true. Telling people "I don't know how" when you haven't even tried to find out how is just like a beggar, asking for money, without doing anything that is worthy. So, better don't make yourself look like a beggar okay.




到了静家,我就一直跟自己说,一定要做点什么的。不能荒废这么宝贵的假期。Ok啦。勉强的完成英文科的research。到了12那样,我们就去Pyramid的Machines问看有没有Adobe的正版货。怎知,OMG!!!!!Premium Suite竟然要RM8000!!变态到不行!我是比较属于后知后觉的人。所以,没有当场表现出惊讶的表情。过了一阵子,我才慢慢有种被吓倒不行的感觉。RM8000咧!!开玩笑!脚都要软掉了。算了啦。还是去找别的。不要跟Machines买了。然后,我们就一直在等Banny 和KaiLee来。等等等。。很久一下。原来,他们那里不止两个人。要等买整班人,。。oh no~白等了一个小时。算了。我跟静就跟Felix去Pyramid对面找点吃的。兜了一圈,我们就说去Domino吃。进了Domino,扭捏了一下,我们决定不吃它了!有够欠扁。最后,我们就去了"又一城"makan。Syiok!好吃!好吃!好喝!好喝!非常满意~Service好。食物好。价钱ok。昨天是静请。Thanks!!

然后,我们兜兜转转,浪费了蛮多时间。可是,算了啦。当作游车河咯。回到静家,开始piah我的home assignment。也有偷懒几下。还好还算完成些什么了。哈哈~然后,静突然想起吧生的Aeon好像有卖Adobe正版。而且比较便宜。So,想了几下,我们就出发去了!爽!因为不用搭火车!在车里面聊了不少废废的话题。==" 来到吧生,白跑Aeon。因为,那里没有卖Adobe正版了。算~我们就去买家私。蛮爽一下。因为,我很喜欢看家私。哈哈~我是很注重"家"的感觉的。

就这样,我好玩的荒废我的星期四。没有对不起自己啦。因为,玩的蛮开心的。 >

18 November 2009

Well, finally I have the mood to blog again.

Like any other days of the week, it rained again. Raining seems to be like winter to me now. When the season is over, the sun will somehow shine brightly again. And by that time, I will be complaining of the stupid hot sun and demanding for the rain to come. Zzz.. I guess that's life. When you have this, you complain about this and ask for that. When you have that, you complain about that and ask for this. =.="

Anyway, today can be considered a great day even though I know I have done nothing much. I went early to Sunway to accompany my friends for lunch. I never expect for the day to turn out to be such a funny one. We laughed over the "ferris wheel" topic for so long that I looked as though I was crying more than laughing. Lol.. Fine then. After class, I went to get my delicious muffin from someone. Yummy-licious! Thank you~~ [^-^]V As the rain was so heavy, I ended up chatting with Liang in Ming Tien. ROFL~~ I laughed like mad once again. Gawd~ Looks like everything that I chat about today seems to be at the category of "LOL". Great day. After the long chit chat, the rain was not that heavy anymore. While I was waiting, I coincidentally met with Siew Woon and her friend, Jac. Lol.. Okay.. Long chat again.

Here is something that I would like to share. It is an ad of the Malaysian Anti-Smoking Campaign. Malaysia really should have more of this kind of ad rather than those superficial ones.
And guess what, I actually cried after watching it. Am I too touchy or the ad itself is way too touching?

p/s:Truly loves AD this path. Not gonna change my mind at all.

15 November 2009

我说我呀~~ 只要一有什么东西没掌握好,自己就在那边紧张。。怕到不敢开始动手。现在又来酱。。很不健康捏~






12 November 2009



最近又重新爱上苏打绿!实在太棒了~~ 每当我无奈的时候,听听苏打绿的歌,哇!! 超过瘾的~~


Erhem~~ Today was awesome.

Awesome drink in Starbucks.

Awesome meeting in Harrots.

Awesome "surprise" from someone.

Yuhoo... Now I know what you want. You should have make things clear long time back. Zzz.. Piak!





5 Dedikasi farewell.

The days we used to play around insanely before SPM.

Japanese festival in our school~

Not to forget the very-important-certificate- RETARD cert.

And the lame miao~


11 November 2009

Sicky me.

Guess I am not experiencing normal tiredness.

I kept feeling dizzy, as though my brain is lacked of oxygen these days. I even almost fell off the chair last Saturday.

I had been sleeping from 9pm to 7am two nights back.

After having 10 hours of sleep, I still look like ghost. My college mates thought that I never slept at all. == After I went home, I slept again from 2.30 to 6pm. I started to feel tired at 12am. I finally slept at 2am till 10am, which made it 8 hours of sleep. At 12pm, I already feel tired. Started feeling dizzy. I was told that I am lacked of blood. They called it 贫血 in chinese. T__T

I really wanna recover asap. I have many things that I want to do, but I have no strength to do so. Dizzy.. I wanna nap again..

10 November 2009


我一直都忍着。告诉自己,"不准哭!" 忍着那心痛的感觉。忍着那失望的感觉。忍着那对你的愤怒。 渐渐的,我累了。不是不够睡的累,而是精神上的累。



那心痛感+愤怒感,。。。。 我要怎么算??????







09 November 2009

Sometimes, I find myself putting too much of effort in helping people. No matter how tired I am, as long as that person is a friend that I appreciate, I will still put my best effort in helping him/her to solve the problem. Yeah. So after the helping is done, as usual, people will thank me. "Oh, thank you so much for the help!! You are so kind" And there goes the blah and blah and blah. But, when it was my turn asking for help, ..... things are different. Well, I am not saying that I help people for the sake of getting something in return. But, I thought friends are supposed to help each other you know. I only need your little time to help me. Compare to how long I took to help you in the past, what would that little time cost you? I seriously have no idea why. I really don't want to count you on that. But, thanks to the "good" weather, I just can't stop thinking in a pessimistic way. *sigh* Anyhow, gratefully there was still someone who was so kind to help me. The whole scenario created such a big contrast between you and that kind friend. I still have to say you truly disappoint me. Very much. I will still treat you like a friend of mine. But somehow, the feeling is really different. I have lost faith in you.

What else that made my day sucks..

My lovely bottle went "pok kai"(扑街) today. I was in the mini bus. Well, the mini bus never shut its door. The bus was moving unevenly that my bottle ran out of my hand, rolled to the entrance, and POK-KAI-ED. Okay. The moment I saw my beloved bottle, crashing on the tarred road, I just stunned there and acted as though I wasn't feeling hard at all. I went on chit chatting with my schoolmate in the bus. After I reached college, I just couldn't stop flashing back the whole incident; how it actually pok to the road. Omg~~ What an ironic dying way my bottle had.. T__T

And and and... not to forget about this stupid weather. I really love rainy days. But, not today! It was like centuries back that I last wore in a more feminine way to college. Finally, today I made an attempt to wear so. Just feeling right to wear like this today. BUT........HOW COULD IT RAIN??? Damn damn damn.... If it was just a drizzle, I am fine with that. But it rained like SHIT! I had enough to worry about. And I still had to worry of my shoes getting wet and so on so forth just because of this damn rain.

Besides all the shits that I had been facing today, yesterday was not any better than today. == I wasted one holy day on one figure as I am not in the mood at all. When it was the midnight, someone pissed me off like no one else could. Yeah, THANKS TO YOU, I feel so pissed! You also realized that you pissed me off right? Thank god you ain't that blur yet. I thought you were having so much of hahaha and lol until you never realized that the person you are talking to is not giving you any good response. Yayaya.. She loves you so much. So just go ahead with her. Don't come to me and bla bla bla anymore. You ain't making my day any better!!! It's none of my concern how you feel about her and how you wanna settle all these things. I don't wanna know all that. Unless you have made up your mind on what you wanna do, or else, don't mess up with my life anymore.

I guess I am done with vomiting my unhappy things! Chaos~

08 November 2009


But, it's okay I guess. 我,身为再普通不过的人(废话)一定会有失手的时候。


现在,ok 啦。在学习的过程中不可能有百分百的成功。反正,try一下新的东西也ok。没try过又怎么会知道work不work。就算成果并没有达到最好的效果,至少,我自己知道,我已努力过。而且,也领悟到那一招到底work不work了了。所以,以后就不会在犯下同样的错咯! ^^

我没有在自我安慰啦。说真的啦。。来了THE ONE。获益匪浅! 心理变化也极大~ 回头一看,原来自己变了这么多。以前的我真的太肤浅了。现在,也不算好到那里去。哈哈~At least,我还蛮满意现在的progress啦。


07 November 2009

Let's talk about Wei Ting's birthday celebration first. It was her birthday yesterday. And,.. DUH! Of course we will celebrate for this little kiddo! Haha!

Always the four of us. Why So Lame looked as though he was frozen? =.="

Xin and 23!!! Haha~~

Wahlao~ Hsiao Shen geh pose.. Lol~~

大家笑到见牙不见眼~~ ^-^

Oh no! Simon kena aluba!! LOL~~ *pain*

Ita daki masu!!


Everyone! Cheers~~



06 November 2009

Yer.. I don't like this kind of feeling loh. (>-<)

Very unfair.

You are so selfish.








一下说要悲 一下又说不够K

你只要耶耶 不要一直变变

不然就给我钱 我就装乖不吠







无意要让任何人感到伤心失望。我只不过想说出我的感受,我的想法而已。 我真的无力一直站在他人的角度去体谅人家。请你们也站在我这儿,看看我该怎么想的吧~ 我是真的累了呃。

05 November 2009

No doubt. My mind is very messed up, once again.

Too many stories. Too many to think. Too hard to respond.

I wasn't in the story. I was just the spectator, watching how things are going on. Well, very disappointing one. Really. The more I know, the more restless I feel. =.="


我想,我没有资格说什么吧。 如果要我惊讶的反应,那只会显得我又狼狈,又白痴。我只能什么都不去想。所有的为什么,除非是你们说,否则我是不会问的。 你们快乐就好了。

I wanna care less

02 November 2009

It was a big day for me. Nah.. It's not my birthday. It's that I was to do a presentation on an ad for my Language Communication Skill.

Let's talk about the whole process of preparation for this presentation. First of all, we already fixed our customer as KTMB. Then, we moved on to doing surveys. REAL surveys. Then, we thought of the problems and solutions together. Somehow, we were stuck when it comes to thinking of how to create an ad that could create a great impact on our target audience. Well, gratefully, we managed to combine two different ideas which Liang and I thought of together. I have to really thank Miss Pinky for giving us so many great suggestions. Without her, my group might end up in the wrong path. Since we decided to use the storytelling way (where we gonna present our ad in a comic way), the drawing and painting are the ones that are so gonna eat up lotsa time. The painting are only done by today, 3 in the morning. I woke up with my eyes opening, but brain sleeping to receive the file from my team mate. I didn't have the strength to do the photoshop work. Therefore, I ended up sleeping. Thanks to myself. I rushed like mad in the morning to complete the unfinished work.
Liang had really made a good job drawing and painting it. It's rather draft but the concept is clearly presented. I love the slogan as well (coz I thought of it de la.. XD) So damn lan si! ><

♥It's hard to keep the happiness that I am feeling to myself. Don't mind me sharing to you guys here. I am not showing off okay. But, I am serious happy with the outcome and the marks that we get in return. If some of you notice my facebook status weeks back, I wrote there, "Damn pissed!! Hard work does not equivalent to successful outcome!! WHYYYY..." I really feel so restless about the hard work that I am consistent contributing. BUTTTT...... Today, I can sense the hope once again. Successful outcome really requires lotsa hard work! Though there were days that I got really stressed up, worried, and pissed, all these seems to be nothing big deal when the overall outcome turned out to be so wonderful. [^-^]V


Okay. Let's get out of the topic. I don't really like this kind of feeling, when I start to really dislike someone. This is bad. It's really bad to have a bad perception on others. But, there is just this particular person that I used to really like, but I started to dislike little by little. I could sense that xx has no one in xx's eyes. All xx thought of is the benefit! I think it's a selfish act! Really selfish. It really unfair for the others as well. Maybe others can't see thru your eyes. But some of us have seen your selfish side. Siapa makan cili, dia terasa pedas lorh. No need to mention out who you are. Yes, you are fast, you are efficient. But, have you even thought at the others' side. You take the good eggs, and left the rotten eggs for the others just for the sake of cooking a good dish. So, you are happy to see the others dealing in difficulties with the rotten eggs? I just feel that, everyone should know how to balance up everything. No point you take the best eggs(which you think they are the best) now. You are definitely not going to deal with good eggs in the future. You are so gonna work in an environment of both active and passive people. Why not learning how to deal with those passive ones(which you think they are) when you are in the college? Are you really that afraid of the harsh road? =.= I thought I am kiasu. But, now, I think you are kiasu-er than me. I lost. XD
(Sorry for using xx and eggs as the comparison. I couldn't think of anything else)


Next I would like to talk about friendships. Really disappointing. Although I have nothing to do with it, but as an outsider, I just don't like it when I heard of it. Where is the tolerance? Where is the faith? Damn. Do you guys know what I care most? I don't really bother what outsiders criticize me. I might just take it as a critic, but I won't feel so damn hurt. But, when it comes to close friends, conducting an act to abandon me and criticize me, this sucks! Really sucks! Stop judging your best friend okay. Try to think, if you were him/her, what you will feel. Harsh words are crime okay!!


BTW, today is my lame friend, Tzu Zing's birthday. Lalala~~ I know it's your birthday today ah.. But please don't eat too much k. You still got a bet with me! XD!!

En.. K larh.. I think that's all for today. Wishing for a great day tomorrow. MEATBALLLLLLL, I AM COMING~~~~

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