29 October 2008
Labels: Jj~DreamWorld, Photos
Since my mid term exam,.... I lost the "ohm" to study.
That's why my results dropped like shit.
My 2nd monthly test on July was the suckiest results that I have ever got.
My trials are..... disastrous.
Now,... I seriously pray that I can pay a lil bit more effort on my studies.
And,... congrats to me! I finally made myself study for 3 hours non-stop without any day-dreams. Wuhoo...
I hope this will go on till SPM is over... =)
p/s:typical kiasu
Labels: Jj~DreamWorld
28 October 2008
Argh! I just need to shout out as loud as I can! I am currently listening to Daniel Powter's "You Had A Bad Day". This song suits my feeling so much at this moment.
My day started off with knowledge that my laptop was gone. My sister took it away to somewhere else. I hardly can online k! Morning seems to be the time I appreciate much to do whatever I want with my laptop as the connection will be extremely good and there will be no disturbance. And thanks to her,... no online.
Secondly, I knew that I am going to bring my camera along to Mr Gerald's class. When I was testing my camera at home, I found out that my memory stick was in my laptop! WTH! My blood went up to my brain! Immediately, I phoned my sister to ask her where she kept her own memory stick. Thanks to God. At least, I have another memory stick.
Thirdly, when I was about to print the wordings to be stuck on a card made for Mr Gerald, my idiotic desktop (which currently unable to connect to the modem) has gone more idiotic than ever! It can't even print any documents!!! Argh!!! It drove me so crazy! Finally, I have to do all the wordings manually. I drew, I cut, I paste.. Hm....
Forthly, when I was just about to spend a little time on my dearest History book, my Mom suddenly called me to look after the little kid in my house. Oh mama... *I was about to cry*
Fifthly, today is the last day to attend Mr Gerald's class. I can't concentrate at all in the class. My mind was so messed up. Before he ended his class, he sang a song and said his prayer to his students. The singing part was the time when I could not hold back my tears anymore. Here goes another crying baby. Many of us managed to snap some pictures with him. Haha..
Okay.. And sixthly,.... my sister forgot to bring the laptop charger back. I am going to take my bitter 2 hours time to do as many stuff as I can!
Labels: Jj~SadWorld, Photos
27 October 2008
Remove 1 question from below and add in a personal question, make it a total of 19 questions. Then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.1. What bothers you the most?
2. What is your most favourite thing to do?
3. What kind of news do you read?
Entertainment and weird things happening in the world.
4. Have you been committed in any crime?
If killing 30 cockroaches is considered a crime,.... I think I have been committed in crime too.. I killed millions of mosquitoes and ants.
5. Is there someone in your heart right now?
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
7. Are you afraid of pain?
Hm.. Not really. I trained myself not to shout or scream even though I am in
8. What do you feel like doing right now?
Study with no sleep.
9. If there’s someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
If that person asks me about it.
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
HEH?? Oh no..
i. kawaii
ii. innocent (kua)
iii. friendly.
11.What is your 5 most passionate thing at this moment?
Surfing the net
Chatting with friends
12. If you can be on TV, which show would you want to be in?
House! I wanna be... Dr House's .... er... soul mate? hahahaha!!! (lol)
13. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Apple! (An apple a day, keeps the doctor away)Btw, Jo Lin said that apple has negative calory! Hoho.. That's good!
14. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?
15. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
Rough! I hope I am softer now.
16. Will you ever kill yourself for studies?
No. There are better things to die for.
17. What is the one thing you love about yourself?
I enjoy my life.
18. If you can bring only one thing along with you to another world, what would it be?
Same like Shiau Ping. Spectacles. *sobs* We are half-blinded.
19. If you have to choose either Jason or xxx, who will you choose?
I tag no one!
Labels: Jj~DreamWorld
Labels: Jj~DreamWorld
25 October 2008
It was indeed a.... truth-telling week for me. So many things are revealed everyday. I think most probably it's because everything is coming to an end. This is the time when everyone has put aside the immature thinking and share all the feelings together. To my friends who are reading this, Haha.. Yeah! I am talking about "that"... Not only one of my friends became so truthful out of a sudden.. There were numerous of them!! I felt amazed too. Besides feeling surprised, I also feel very very delighted. The feeling is like when you are watching the concluding episode of a drama. When many things are finally revealed! Haha..
I only can share some here.
Boon Yi said,
"You've really changed. When you were in Form 1 and 2, I felt that you are over confident over yourself. But now, you are more humble."
"I finally realized that you really care a lot about your friend."
Another friend of mine said,
"Last time I thought you are those very "cheng"(loves showing of) type of people.But after knowing you, I realized that we can't judge a book by its cover."
P/S: I can imagine Your reaction now! hahaha...
There are more to go... But they are meant to be Private and Confidential. Haha..
Labels: Jj~DreamWorld
24 October 2008
A friend of mine, Winnie came to my house today. She's my first friend who stepped into my room! haha.. How historical..
Our main objective is to.... STUDY...
Hehe.. We ended up chatting.. From 2.45-8.15... Siao rite.. haha...
Labels: Jj~DreamWorld
Only 15 students turned up to school today.
I felt so great!! Haha... I love it when there are only a few students in the class. Everyone can choose wherever they want to sit. Teehee!!
After "manja-ing" my BM teacher, she treated us pizzas from Pizza Hut. She made an order at 10.40am. But the pizza arrived at TWELVE FOURTY FIVE! Wadda...
Kk.. here are some videos and pictures for dear readers..
Whee.. Reminds me of how my friends and I used to enjoy McD and Pizza everyweek in the school during the last October and November..
Labels: Jj~DreamWorld, Photos
22 October 2008
Owh.. St's computer spoiled!! Jerr.. I also don't feel like wanna online edi..
Labels: Jj~SadWorld
21 October 2008
20 days left.
I intended not to think about the days left. However, the pressure was mentally in my cerebrum even when I was sleeping. Last night, the number, 20 appeared in my dream. The word "TWENTY DAYS LEFT" kept playing in my mind since I woke up. And what will happen tomorrow... NINETEEN DAYS LEFT... pffhh! I can only say, this is rather annoying!
Till today, I only managed to read through one miserable chapter on Biology. Hmph... That's not very good, I know. I am planning to put hope on the chicken essences tonight. Haha! I couldn't concentrate at all when I looked at the book. Instead of remembering the facts that I was reading, I ended up thinking of Jason. Wth.. Can I dig Jason out of my mind just for 47 days? I hope I can.
Labels: Jj~DreamWorld
19 October 2008
Answer the questions below by doing a Google Image Search and taking a picture from the first page of results. Do so with minimal words of description.
1. The age you will be on your next birthday.
3. Your favourite place.
4. Your favourite food.
5. Your favourite pet.
6. Your favourite colour combination.
7. Your favourite piece of clothing.
8. Your all time favourite song.
9. Your favourite TV show.
10. First name of your significant other/crush.
11. The town which you live in.
12. Your screen nickname.
13. Your first job.
14. Your dream job.
15. A bad habit you have.
16. Your worst fear.
17. The one thing you'll like to do before you die.
18. The first thing you'll buy if you get 1,000,000.
Labels: Jj~DreamWorld, Photos
Labels: Jj~DreamWorld