18 March 2010

Random conversation with Nagoya's staff.

Staff: Ah moi beli kain buat apa?

JJ: Oh.. Main lah. (=.=)"

Staff: Suka suka beli kain mahal untuk main ah?

JJ: Haha!! Tak de lah! Tengok ada masa saya jahit jahit lah..

LMAO. This staff damn sarcastic lah. I know the Japanese fabrics are expensive lah. But I just love seeing them, touching them, smelling them and dreaming about them.... Haha..

It had been quite some time since I last played with photography. Suddenly feel like capturing the fabrics I bought. Weee~~ So happiee!! =D

So Q!!

Teddy: Deddy, ain't they beautiful??
Deddy: Gorgeous. =D

Teddy: Finally I have a close-up pichar of mine. Yeah! ^^

Aww.. I have height fright! @@

Hide and seek!!

p/s:I can't stop fabric shopping. Arghhh~~


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