06 July 2009

It's the 6th of July today. Time flies, agree? Yeah. I am getting more realizations these days; through observations and thinking. After speaking to Cass today, with no denial, I realized that many things that we look at it as a big thing is just a small thing actually. Human, especially those at teen age, love to magnify something that is not so big deal. Yeh, I got straight A1s for my SPM. So what? Some of you know how I responded when I got my result right? Actually, the reason why I didn't get over excited of that results is not because I know that I did so that well in SPM okay. I just feel that there's nothing much to be overjoyed about. You can never take your SPM result and look for a good job in this century right? =.="

And now, I am in a design college. Everyone loves drawing. Everyone loves designing. Those who put effort get high marks. Those who did not put effort get low marks. Er.. Foundation is just the most basic thing in design course. I don't think there's anything to be proud of if you get high marks or full marks in any assignment in your foundation. Note that, you aren't going to take ur assignment marks to apply for any job in future, are you? Well well, I am not telling you not to be happy if you score high marks la. I mean, ... be happy, but don't be proud. And if you guys really think that I am so that good in drawing or designing.. Eh heh... Sorry to tell you that I am not. I feel that I am just a tiny whinny lil girl in this design field. I am nothing. I am just a normal human who can draw slightly better than the norm. In conclusion, I am normal, for now. No one knows what will happen next. I am anticipating for the day I found the best thing in my blood. By the time I found the abnorm, I will inform you guys okay. XD

p/s: This post is plain crap! Thank you for reading it. XD


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